Freeflyingfaerie: "But there ARE Faeries "
There once was a fictional detective by the name of Sherlock Holmes. He was the kind of fellow who would whip out an oversize magnifying glass, analyze a cat's hair and cry out, "Elementary, my Dear Watson". One would assume that the author of the Sherlock Holmes novels was an intelligent and knowledgeable man himself. After all, how could a writer create a fictional character more intelligent and knowledgeable than he?
The author of the Sherlock Holmes detective novels was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He was a man of many interests and actually investigated two real life cases in which he succeeded in exonerating the accused. But we all have our foibles and intelligent people can believe in some very things. Like the invisible return of Jesus in 1914. Well that's another story so let's get back to Conan Doyle.
After the deaths of his dearly beloved wife; his son and brother; two nephews and two brothers in law; Conan Doyle fell into a deep depression. He desperately wanted to find out if there was proof of life after death. He adopted spiritualism as his religion. The spiritualism he adopted had a belief in the existence of practically every being from the N th dimension. They included Divas, nature spirits, elementals (gnomes, ondines, sylphs and salamanders) and last, but not least, faeries.
When Conan Doyle adopted the teachings of Theosophy he bought into the whole schlock. Then one day, he ran into some pictures taken by two teenage girls with an early 20th century vintage camera. These girls, as you shall soon see, must have had a lot of time on their hands. To them it was a lot of fun until their pictures got into the hands of the creator of that astoundingly hyper logical detective.
Soon Conan Doyle wrote another book. This book, unlike his detective novels, would sink into the underworld of books long dead. Why? Just a hint. He was dead serious about proving the existence of those wee, dainty, floating critters who rose from the swamp of theosophy's imagination. And what would you guess his evidence was? Read it and weep.
You can get the book for free from this PDF. Or, if you are in desperate of a gag gift, you can purchase it from real cheap.
Now please show these pictures to people on the street
and tell them that they have to be agnostic about them.